Graduation Event at My Church ^_^

Hi nice to meet you again, all visitor!

Today i`m very bored at home coz today all people very2 busy to choose the governor of Kaltim place. But, i have one story about my graduation event at my church....

Two days ago, my church held one graduation event for remaja 3 dan tunas remaja 3 at my church. Really sad too, because at this event isn`t very crowded. But, it`s little quite, i think. But, the event it`s still interesting, i think. i`m really like the performances of dances with Edward Chen`s song( it`s really good song) ^_^

And well..... i`m really happy and proud because can get one medal with a glass which have done printed my photo with my friends at there( it`s really cute) ^_^

I get information about GKKAI Church at Tenggilis place, Surabaya. The church has many activity to build our knowledge and mind about Bible. And of course, to be more close with God, Jesus Christ.

From now, i have done be graduated from Maranatha Teens and move forward to the Pemuda groups. I don`t know are i can get more friends at there? Because i`m really scare only one person at there he3x

This is enough for today and i have done meet ^Him^ at this event too. Many Give Thanks to Our God. God Bless Our Always and forever. ^_^

Send Your Pray and Help to China Earthquake victims

Hi today i want to sharing to all visitor, about give your help and pray to our friends at China, who be victim at earthquake.

Because of this disaster, they cry.....

Because of this disaster, they sad.......

And because of this disaster, they lost their happiness..........

So, please give your pray and help to our friends at there...

I Hope, our prayer and help can give they more happiness

Because they smile, is our happiness too

By the way, Thomas and Uber cup championship have been over.

The result, Thomas and Uber Cup take away by China

I really suprising and amazing when i see Bao Chun Lai playing

He plays very well with long time too.

Congratulations for their winning.......!

Bao Chun Lai is my favourite player badminton 4ever..... ^_^

Thanks for your attention and God bless Our always and 4ever ^_^

Watch Thomas and Uber Cup Last Match!!!

Today and yesterday is final stage of Thomas and Uber cup championship. I really suprising when i hear Korea have done entering final stage of Thomas Cup beating Indonesia group. It`s very amazing, i think. And the Uber Cup have done take by China beating Indonesia too. Today we will see who can reach and take away the Thomas Cup. You must see it!!!! Don`t 4get ok!!!

Today no special event. I only go to the church this morning and then i go home. Finally, i waste my spare time watch Hito Award and Sassy Girl Chun-Hyang(Really like this Korean drama because it`s really funny he3x). I will always write my experience at here for all visitors read ok..... Stay Tuned and Don`t go away...... Please visit and read again .......!!! ^_^

I Have Finish My Little Dream

Hello, today i have been seen him at road.........!

Really happy because i can fulfill my dream although only one second i see him....!

It`s very amazing i can see him without spectacles today.

I hope i can see him again ^_^

Today very tired go shopping with my little sister and brother he3x

I across in front of him`s shop too........

From now i must thinking about what my presentation for the graduate event at church soon.

I get more knowledge about Bible today....

My mission to be a pianist is still on the run, i must give more effort at this dream

He3x ^_^ i think it`s enough for today

God Bless Our always, from now and forever.......^_^

Very Tired at My Holiday Time

Hari ini capek bngt aku and mother pergi keliling cari kemeja putih dan rok hitam untuk kuliah nanti. Ini emg keharusan untuk msk jurusan manajemen perhotelan. He3x terlihat seperti orang kantoran gt he3x. Semoga nti aku isa rajin and jd org sukses di jurusan ini. Sekian untuk hari ini. And no special event untuk hari ini. God Bless Our always...... ^_^

Happy After Sorrow

Lega banget uas uda selesai

Walaupun cuma 3 hari tapi rasanya lama btl

Selama 3 hari aku vakum latihan piano ni

He3x setelah ini aku mau rajin latihan

Spy isa mewujudkan impianku melayani Tuhan di Gereja

Hari ini sempat sedih beberapa saat krn suatu hal

Tapi suatu hal menyadarkan aku untuk selalu ceria dan bersukacita

God tentunya dan satunya lagi secret.....!

He3x pokoknya dia ini slh satu penunjang spiritku juga

Walaupun aku nda terlalu kenal dy.....??!

Tapi kadang aku merasa dy uda tau tentang diriku

Slh satu kenyataan yang sangat tidak mungkin dipungkiri

He3x aku mau aktif jadi blogger lg coz blog bagaikan temanku saat sepi

Aku bisa berbicara, sharing or bercerita disini

Thx God krn Kau telah bantu dan bimbing hamba selama ujian

Gbu Always.

A Pianist ^_^

Dia seperti memilki sebuah daya tarikan magnet yang kuat banget

Dia suka berpakaian serba putih, ini membuatnya terlihat seperti seorang pianis sejati

Dia juga sangat menyayangi piano tersebut

Dia juga berusaha semaksimal mungkin memberikan yang terbaik bagi para jemaat semuanya

Senang banget bisa memandang dia dari jauh

Ini memberiku semangat pacu untuk belajar piano untuk melayani di gereja juga

Thx banget Kk Pianis ^_^ You are my spirit......!