^Kisah dua Boneka Salju^

Suatu hari di hari yg bersalju, tampak 2 orang sedang bermain salju di halaman rumah. . . Yang wanita bernama Annie. . . dan yg pria bernama Rick. . . Mereka berkompetisi membuat boneka salju yg paling bgs dan paling tahan lama.
Mereka terlihat
sangat antusias sekali saat membuat boneka salju tersebut. . . Setelah satu jam berlalu, mereka mulai lelah dan telah menyelesaikan hasil karya mereka. . . Milik Annie adalah boneka salju dgn wajah yg hangat dan dia telah menambahkan accesories berupa selendang sweater utk boneka salju tersebut. . . Sedangkan milik Rick, sungguh buruk, tiada rupa seperti boneka salju yg rupawan. . . Mereka sepakat menunggu untuk kembali melihat boneka salju mana yg paling tahan lama. . . Keesokan harinya setelah kembali, ternyata boneka Annie telah meleleh sepenuhnya. . .hanya tersisa selendang sweater Annie yg terjatuh di atas gumpalan salju tersebut. . . Sedangkan punya Rick yg buruk ternyata hanya meleleh separuh dan boneka salju tersebut masih dapat berdiri kokoh. . .Rick sangat terkejut sekali, padahal dia dari awal telah mengira bahwa boneka salju buatannya pasti akan hancur yg pertama kalinya. . .Tapi karena Rick membuat boneka tersebut dgn lapisan salju yg berlapis-lapis membuatnya dapat bertahan hidup daripada boneka Annie. . . Ilustrasi ini inigin mengajarkan kita walaupun langkah awal kita terkadang tidak sebaik dan semulus hasil kerja orang lain, tapi dibalik semua proses dalam belajar maupun berusaha terdapat satu tekad yg lebih kokoh dan tidak akan tergoyahkan. . . Dan walaupun hasil kerjamu tdk semaksimal org lain, bukan berarti engkau tidak dapat berkarya lagi, karena justru dibalik semua hasil kerjamu mungkin ada sesuatu yg dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi org lain. . .Oleh karena itu, jangan goyah tetap tegar walaupun terkadang kita tidak mempunyai kelebihan yg dimiliki oleh org lain, tapi dibalik semua itu kita ada talenta yg ternyata tdk dipunyai org lain, didalam diri kita. . . So, let`s make breakthrough in your life ^_^

By Felicia

^Beberapa kata bijak ttg Imajinasi^

Orang yang tidak punya imajinasi, tdk punya sayap untuk terbang

Kalau kita bisa bermimpi, kita bisa meraih apa yang kita impikan itu
(Walt Disney)

Sebuah ide adalah cara imajinasi menyelamatkan kita
(Frank Lloyd Wright)

Fortis imaginatio generat casum=imajinasi yg jelas menghasilkan kenyataan
(Stephen Covey)

Imajinasi adalah awal penciptaan. Kita bayangkan apa yg kita inginkan, inginkan apa yang kita bayangkan itu dan akhirnya kita akan menciptakan apa yang kita bayangkan itu
(George B)

Kita tidak bisa bergantung sama mata kita kalau imajinasi kita tidak fokus
(Mark Twain)

^Dikutip dari majalah rohani G-Fresh^

Very Depressed . . .

Today is very tired day, i think. . . Tomorrow and next day will have many exams, tasks, meeting, etc bla. . .bla. . .bla. . . many activities @_@ I`m really not understand why a leader which must be pioneer to give their integrity to the other member group, their always can only talk but it`s not follow by their action in reality life. . . They only can talk, talk and talk. . . They always want our to be what their want. . . very boring to see this reality everytime. . . Maybe all human at this world are not perfect, nobody`s perfect, but from now we can try to understand other people`s problem, try to solve this problem together, and not always shout out loud to say we must follow all your advice. . . All people at this world have their own problem in their life. . . Not all, can solve that problem with their own effort. . . But sometimes they need someone or friend to hear what their want. . . And what their problem now. . . So to be one good leader, we must look deeply into ourself before give advice and lead other people. . . Be the good leader, don`t only be the talkactive leader, but show your integrity in your life. . . Very depressed when always feel this situation, i want free without anything advice which always make me very tired to be other people. . .

The Little Nyonya`s synopsis film

The story spans over 70 years, from the 1930s till the present day.

Huang Juxiang is born into a large Peranakan family where her mother is a mistress. She is gentle, beautiful and a fantastic cook. Due to a serious illness when she was 9 years old, Juxiang becomes a deaf-mute. Because of her handicap, she is ostracized by people. Right before the Japanese Occupation in Singapore, she is forced to marry Charlie Zhang, a rich Peranakan, and become his mistress. Juxiang resists the marriage and runs away from home. She then meets Yamamoto Yousuke, a young Japanese photographer, and after overcoming many obstacles, they finally get married and Juxiang gives birth to a daughter Yueniang. During the World War, Juxiang is injured and both she and her husband die, leaving behind their 8-year-old daughter.

The orphaned Yueniang eventually walks to her grandfather's house on her own. Her grandmother rejoices for her presence. Under the supervision of her grandmother, she learns to cook Peranakan dishes and sewing. She grows up looking exactly like her mother and is exceptionally beautiful. After the war, her maternal relatives who ran away to England to seek refuge there returned home. Yueniang ends up leading the life of her mother – always discriminated against, beaten up and tortured. She puts up with all these in order to protect her grandmother.

Yueniang's pretty looks incurs jealousy from her cousin and attracts the attention of many rich Peranakans. However, she only has eyes for penniless driver Chen Xi. Chen Xi actually comes from an educated and wealthy family. Yueniang's kindness, purity and persistence move Chen Xi and he falls deeply in love with her, and hides his identity to be with Yueniang. Unfortunately, their relationship is filled with many obstacles and difficulties. Under pressure from his family, Chen Xi is forced to marry Yueniang's cousin instead. Yueniang is then sold to a butcher, Liu Yidao. Many things happen after this and it is revealed that the Huangs use misunderstandings and mistakes for granted and resort to off-board measures.

Yueniang is unwilling to accept the fact that her life is always manipulated by others and decides to end her own life. Yueniang's strong personality impresses Liu Yidao and they become sworn siblings instead. Yueniang decides to choose her own path in life. She begins learning how to run a business and in the process, she is framed and ousted from her business. Despite the odds, she manages save her declining family business. Sadly, her love life has yet to begin a new chapter with no news about her love interest, Chen Xi.

Copied from Wikipedia

When i see this film, i`m very suprised with their culture which combine between Malay and Chinese Culture, it`s very amazing i think ^^

The stories of Yue Niang is very touched my heart too, is very hard to be the woman at that era, maybe they all can`t reach their true love, because their make the pure of that love to be the one competition one each other. . .

Is very different with our lifestyle now. . . hehe but i always like this history. . . is various story like a rainbow color , many great story, different story, from different people too. . .

^You must see that film, visitor^