Tomorrow Will Leave Tarakan.....Very Sad >_< hik2x

Hi, all visitor..........

I`m sorry if i long time not write again at this blog page, because i`m very busy to manage all necessaries and all things to do before leave Tarakan town. I don`t know how to describe my feel about my afraid if i live alone at Surabaya when i study soon......

I think, are i can find many new friend here.... coz i`m never be so far from my parents for a long time. I will live alone and manage all things alone too, very difficult to imagine that will happend to me soon. From now, i must study how to solve my problem alone, and study how to be good attitude, eventhough i have done be so far from my family at Tarakan......

I`m very scared, i can`t quick adapt with new environment and new friend at there. I think it`s a new beginning to study how to be independent human which must have own skill to solve the problem, such as love, friend, school, and environment problem. This is new stage about to be one adult attitude. But, it`s not mean be free attitude and not agree about rule of life again. We as a new generation, we must always be one good attitude and be one good personality. So, with this way we can be good people and people can quick friendly with us too. So, i think i must be careful and always remember courage from parents, family, and friends....... ^_^

I don`t know if this new step will be easy or difficult for me..... This is very2 make me confused..... But, i`m already promise to all my friends to be one new life, with new hope and new happiness. Always happy and don`t always separate from many people, i must always be friendly people. Don`t always quick angry too.... At last, always pray to the God too ^_^

So, tomorrow will be new beginning to begin all my life as an university student and to be one adult personality too.... I hope i can follow the melody of life at there......Thank`s for read, i will post again soon about my new life at Surabaya ok....... so, keep stay tuned ^_^

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